When Nerds Collide ??
Here's a funny one..
Anime News Network - Shelf Life - When Nerds Collide: "Sometimes, real life is a lot more interesting than fantasy,even if it's scripted and animated. That's part of what makes Genshiken
one of the best shows out this year. Sure, it doesn't have super villains or masked heroines, but it has something even better: realistic people doing ordinary things. Extremely faithful to the original manga, the series follows a college club named the Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture, Genshiken for short. The first volume focuses on the club's three newcomers: Sasahara, a shy freshman who still isn't comfortable declaring himself a nerd; Kohsaka, a super gamer geek who looks every bit a dashing, normal, non-otaku pretty boy; and Saki, a mundane, who's in love with Kohsaka but loathes his fandom. Between all of the characters, there's probably at least one person who reminds you either of someone in your life, or yourself. From trips to doujinshi shops to the raging crowds at ComicFest, the adventures of the club members are an undeniable riot. Serving almost like a documentary on fans, Genshiken spends just as much time delving into the ins and outs of Japanese fandom as it does looking at the gaps between otaku and, the mundane. Full of jokes that strike darned close to home and captivating characters to deliver them, Genshiken is an absolute must see for any fan of anime, manga, or games.
Within minutes, it rose to the top of my list of favorites, and you'd be doing yourself a hearty disservice by not checking it out.
The Anime Times
Anime News Network - Shelf Life - When Nerds Collide: "Sometimes, real life is a lot more interesting than fantasy,even if it's scripted and animated. That's part of what makes Genshiken

Within minutes, it rose to the top of my list of favorites, and you'd be doing yourself a hearty disservice by not checking it out.
The Anime Times
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