This is a repost of a great Newsarama interview with a very special artist, Lindsay Cibos (of Some of you have seen this before. But with the release of their new book "Digital Manga Workshop" I thought you might want to see it again...
NEWSARAMA - RISING STARS OF MANGA V: LINDSAY CIBOS & JARED HODGES: "Based on a Grand-Prize winning entry in TOKYOPOP's Rising Stars of Manga competition, Peach Fuzz tells the story of a lonely nine-year-old girl named Amanda and her pet ferret, Peach.
Who's fuzzy.
Peach Fuzz is the creation of Lindsay Cibos and Jared Hodges. Their past works include the Anime CG Tutorial CD (a how-to handbook on anime style CG artwork), hundreds of private commissions for various clients, and illustrations for Guardians of Order's BESM D20 Edition Book. Both Cibos and Hodges reside in Florida and, ironically enough, share a studio with two pet ferrets (Momoko and Elf) just outside of Orlando.
The first volume of Peach Fuzz was released in January of this year and they're currently hard at work on the next volume. We sat down with Lindsay Cibos for a chat about Peach Fuzz and TOKYOPOP's Rising Stars of Manga contest.
'Peach Fuzz is an amazingly cute series that takes readers into the mind of a very peculiar pet,' TOKYOPOP editor Carol Fox told Newsarama. 'It has a very wide appeal--kids love it, of course, but I'm an adult and Lindsay and Jared's humor cracks me up every time. And there's been interest from niche groups, too: Ferrets magazine did a piece on Peach Fuzz when it came out. It's actually illegal to keep a ferret in a couple of U.S. states, which I think adds a certain mystique. But the story itself is universal.
You can click on the link to get the whole interview. Way to go Jared and Lindsay!
There is more incredible artwork at their website , be sure
to pay them a visit!!
Mark Alderwood
The Anime Times
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