Anime Award Winner - Lindsay Cibos !!!

Over the last month, we have recieved 100's of questions from aspiring artists. Today I recieved a personal response from Lindsay Cibos!!! She was kind enough to provide some advice for you "rising stars".
So it is with great pleasure, we post this reply from Lindsay...
-Practice, practice, practice! I can't stress this one enough. As a self-taught artist, I can tell you from experience that the best way to improve is to just keep drawing and never give up.
-Observe your surroundings! Draw everything! Draw from real life. The curtains in your house. The clothes you're wearing right now -- including all those wrinkles and textures. Your hands. Draw them many times, in many different positions. Learn how the human figure works.
Go to the mall andbring a sketch book. Try drawing the people that walk by. It takes time to get used to doing quick gesture drawings, so if you find that they move too quickly, there's other options.
Have your family members and friends model for you so you can draw them. Buy one of those fashion magazines and start with that.
-Try to stay away from tracing or copying off other artwork. It may be a good starting place to get a feel for the style, but try to go beyond this as soon as possible, or you'll only become a good copier. And what's the point of drawing something that's already been drawn?
-Art classes available at school (both high school and college level) should give you a good foundation of the basics: line, proportion, depth, color,design, etc etc. To reiterate, your best bet is practice and dedication. That is what will help you improve the most.
There's no magic tricks or secrets to drawing,it's just something you learn over time from repetition and practice.If you want to be the best artist you can then most important thing you can do is devote yourself to your work. This might mean putting down that new video game you bought in order to give yourself a few hours every day to spend improving your drawings. But if you have the desire to become a skilled artist, it's worth it!
Best regards,
Lindsay Cibos
Thanks Lindsay!!! You guys are the best. For more on Jared Hodges and Lindsay Cibos, be sure to visit them at
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