Saturday, July 30, 2005

Underground Anime!! in Saudi Arabia????

You are NOT going to believe this!!! I just saw this in AI.

Animation Insider - 'ArabNews' Covers Anime: "A Growing Sensation": "ArabNews, the first Saudi English-Language daily newspaper, recently published an article detailing the popularity and influence of Japanese animation on today's youth... today's Arab youth. This leading English Language news source in Saudi Arabia published an informative piece by contributor Razan Baker about how Japanese animation is not just a hot topic in North America, but how 'anime' (Japanese animation) and 'manga' (Japanese comics) are also increasingly accepted in the Middle East as well. Although jokingly mentioning that Japanese animation fandom can influence 'career choices' as well as force people to become 'rabid collectors,' the article take a serious look at how anime is finding its way to the Arab world.
For those of you animation fans who thought that anime was only interesting to those in the Americas, selective parts of Europe, and Australia
. think again. The availability of anime in the Middle East is vastly insufficient for the growing interest, the ArabNews article (entitled: 'Japanese Animation a Growing Sensation Among Youngsters') notes, as over the past few years, just as the mediums general interest has risen in the West, so has interest risen (however incrementally) in the Middle East. Baker of ArabNews writes: 'For the past few years, young and old alike have become more interested in watching and collecting Japanese animations. Although owning them has become a hard task [...] fans still find ways"

That's right!!! Fans STILL find ways!!!....^_^

Mark Alderwood
The Anime Times