"U.S. Teenage Girls Prefer Japanese Heroes"

AlterNet: WireTap: U.S. Teenage Girls Prefer Japanese Heroes: "Usually, the publication of a new comic book is not news.
But, gadzooks! The July launch of 'Shojo Beat' comic book for young women is up there with the latest Harry Potter sequel as one of the year's biggest publishing stories.
A thick, square-bound magazine published by Viz, Shojo Beat collects six English-language manga (Japanese comic books) and publishes them in monthly installments and distributes them at retail outlets such as Wal-Marts and bookstores--territory long ago lost by American comics. Manga are among the most vital sector of U.S. publishing, showing double-digit growth for the past three years. In the U.S., manga is a $110 million a year industry, but in Japan the manga market grosses approximately $4.7 billion each year."
Yes, it seems the ladies are in the manga "drivers seat"....kinda scary ^_^
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