Tokyo no Radio - Launched Today!

This came in on the newswire this morning. What a cool site! If you are at the Otakon this weekend, be sure to stop by their booth. You might get yourself on Central Park Media's new DVD!
Anime News Network - Press Release: "
Underground punk/indie/garage/ska/etc CDs from Japan
Otaku Unite! director Eric 'Eiffel' B. has decided to take advantage of his knowledge of Japanese underground music for fun and profit (well, just barely, check out our prices)! Launching this weekend to coincide with Baltimore's Otakon, TOKYOnoRADIO is starting out with 38 titles from underground Japanese artists of various genres. This number will increase greatly over the coming months as we strive to become the internet's #1 source for Japanese specialty music. Your stereo will be ours.
The Otaku Unite! DVD is on its way to a retail outlet near you in the first quarter of 2006 courtesy of NYC's Central Park Media. Cosplayers who plan on attending Otakon this coming weekend have the opportunity to appear on the DVD by stopping by the Central Park Media booth and getting your picture taken. The best costumes will be featured in a photo gallery on the DVD."
And, yes I know this is not excactly anime related. Just thought I'd share...
Mark Alderwood
The Anime Times
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