Otakon 2005 - Tokyopop

More "Rising Stars" of Tokyopop are breaking on to the scene. Here's an update from Otakon 2005 this weekend.
Anime News Network - Otakon 2005 - Tokyopop: "TOKYOPOP Representatives: Rob Valois and Lillian M. Diaz-Przybyl
While Tokyopop had no new licenses to announce, they did have one new Original English Language title to announce. "My Cat Loki", a new series by Bettina Kurkoski, winner of the Rising Stars of Manga 2 competition, will be released by Tokyopop in 2006.
They also re-iterated recent license announcements, including titles like Beck, Loveless, Dazzle (Hatenko Yugi) Sakura Taisen, The World Exists for Me (The World of S&M) and Rozen Maiden.
The single volume manga Smuggler, by Shohei Manabe, the creator of Dead End, will be released in January."
Stay tuned for more...
Mark Alderwood
The Anime Times
tags - news anime manga Tokyopop
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