'The Boondocks'
Animation Insider - 'The Boondocks' Adult Swim Debut Scheduled: "Cartoon Network has recently announced their plans to air the original animated television series The Boondocks as based on the hit comics strip by Aaron McGruder, on October 2nd, 2005, on the incredibly popular late-night programming block Adult Swim. Certainly the best place on television for animation geared towards a more difficult to reach demographic, Adult Swim welcomes McGruder's work in moving-picture form with open arms. Adult Swim, known for airing off-beat comedies with tongue-in-cheek humor and action titles with undying heroes, will soon be the new home for another interesting Cartoon Network original.
Nice to see CN supporting the Anime world. We need more programming like this.....thanks Cartoon Network!!!
Mark Alderwood
The Anime Times
Nice to see CN supporting the Anime world. We need more programming like this.....thanks Cartoon Network!!!
Mark Alderwood
The Anime Times
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