Goddess Anyone?

Anime News Network - Review: "Kosuke Fujishima's much-beloved long-running manga about a decent young man who wishes for , and gets , a real goddess as a girlfriend sees its third anime incarnation in this new TV series. Long-time fans of Fujishima's work will love this series for how faithful it remains to the manga, while newcomers will find a light-hearted and enchanting take on anime romantic comedies. Those new enough to the hobby to be unfamiliar with Ah! My Goddess might not recognize it as such based solely on this volume, but this is one of the prototypical ,harem anime titles; its original OVA release back in 1993 probably deserves almost as much credit (or blame, depending on how you look at it) as Tenchi Muyo for getting that subgenre rolling. Unlike most recent harem series, though, AMG never descends into the crass exploitation which all too often mars the value of such series. This is as clean and gentle as anime romantic comedies come; those looking for fan service or racy humor are watching the wrong series."
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