Killer Cosplay

Anime News Network - Review: "The first volume of HMT was most noteworthy for its utter lack of originality and creativity. The second volume doesn't fare any better. This is not to say that it isn't occasionally entertaining; the whole sequence set in Comake in episode 5 is actually rather funny and Ikuyo's menacing laugh is always good for a chuckle. The lack of effort in coming up with something fresh and different is so obvious, though, that some of the characters actually joke about it in one episode � but even that doesn't come across well. The only element in this volume that is in any way clever is the cosplay costumes worn by the maids and Taro in the Comake piece. These are not just generic cosplay outfits, as are seen in most other anime dealing with cosplay; they represent major, identifiable characters from at least seven prominent anime titles likely to be familiar to American fans. (There's probably actually eight titles represented, but I could not place who Sanae was supposed to be.) The biggest hoot, and possibly the most endearing moment in the series so far, comes from seeing who Taro is portraying. It's a costume that viewers probably will not see coming, but he just looks so right in it."
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