Anime 101: Sub or Dub? Anime 101: Sub or Dub?: "Sub or Dub? This question often arises much debate among anime watchers. Most people have a preference, rather to watch the show with subtitles or watch it dubbed.
I usually watch the English dub first and then watch it subbed to catch some of the edited things and jokes. The dub has to be really bad for me though to watch it subbed right away.
I have never taken any Japanese classes; but after watching subtitles for while you can pick up on words and their meanings.
Here are some recognizable words (If anyone sees misspellings, please correct me!):
Nani - What?
Oswari - Sit! (when commanding a dog)
Chibi - Small, Runt
Ohio - Good Morning
Neko - Cat
Inu - Dog
Bento - Boxed Lunch
Senpai - senior (ex/1: just starting high school everyone is your senpai. ex/2: Starting a new job and someone is teaching you the ropes, he/she is your senpai. In other words, not only people older than you but people with more experience regardless of age.)
Kouhai - Opposite of senpai; junior
Feh - Hmph!
Hikari - Light
Matte - Wait
Hiaku - Hurry up"
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